
October 31, 2014

Hip Replacement Surgery – Georgia Attorneys

Filed under: Ketek — Lawyer @ 12:23 am

Hip Replacement Surgery?
Good morning!
Welcome to “Do I Need A Lawyer?”

If you have a question you would like for me to answer, or if you would like to speak with me regarding a potential claim, please pick up the phone and give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.

Or you can email me your question. The address is

Hi Gary. I had a replacement hip surgery about 3 years ago. Immediately after the surgery everything seemed to be ok so I thought the results were fine.
It is about your health – first and foremost. Get to a doctor so they can treat you and get better.
Now let’s address the potential legal issues here.
In the last few years, there have been hip implants recalled by various medical device companies.

(1) DePuy Hip Recall. These hips were manufactured by the Johnson & Johnson Co.

The specific hips recalled were the DePuy ASR and some DePuy Pinnacle models.

On Nov. 19, 2013, Johnson & Johnson & its DePuy subsidiary announced that they will pay at least $2.5 Billion dollars to settle thousands of individual lawsuits.

The hips being recalled are the Stryker Rejuvenate Modular and the ABG II Modular Neck Hip Stems.

. Repeated dislocations

These implants may also cause a potentially very serious health condition called Metallosis.

. Kidney problems and possible renal failure

. Cardiovascular problems

(1) The voluntary recall followed the discovery that the devices are prone to “fret and corrode”
(2) You may be entitled to compensation if you received one of these Stryker implants and you are experiencing pain, swelling and immobility
(3) You will need to know the name of the surgeon who performed your surgery
(4) You should also consult with your surgeon to find out if you need a revision surgery
(5) Joining a class action law suit against Stryker may not get you the full compensation you deserve.
Well how do you know if you have hip that has been recalled?

Hip Replacement Surgery – Georgia Attorneys

In the US, medical device companies don’t necessarily keep a record of all the people that have received their products. Even if you did not receive a notification, you may still have one of the recalled hip implants. If you are unsure of the type of hip prosthesis, please contact my staff so we can determine if you are involved with this particular recall. If you believe you have a hip implant that has been recalled, what should you do next?


Keep a record of your treatment and all of the problems you have experienced from the hip implant.
(2) Second opinion.

(3) Gather your records and keep track of all of your expenses.
(4) Speak to a lawyer as soon as possible.

There is not an unlimited amount of time to present your claim. If you don’t act quickly, it could be barred by law.
Now – if you have questions about a potential claim, please give us a call.
If not us, please call someone – but call an attorney that specializes in personal injury law.

If you would like to speak with my law firm about your claim, we make it easy for you.

The consultation is FREE and completely confidential.
You can also visit our website –
It is loaded with information about personal injury claims and you can learn a lot more about me and my law firm.
And I encourage you – if you don’t call us, please call someone to help you with your claim.
You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.

And stay tuned for more of “Do I Need A Lawyer”
We’ll be right back.

Hip Replacement Recall Lawyers

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October 16, 2014

What to do if you are Hurt in a Car Accident

Filed under: Injuries To Children — Lawyer @ 9:19 pm

Welcome to “Do I Need A Lawyer?”
Thanks for joining us!

Do’s and Don’ts if you are Hurt in a Car Accident in Georgia

And so you will have that phone number handy at any time, go ahead and enter it into your cell phone.


“Hi Gary –
This is different kind of question and I hope you can help. Our daughter just turned 16 and recently passed her driving test to get her license. I really want to be proactive in working with her on various things about the car. I’ve taught her how to check the oil level in the car, check the tire pressure, and she even knows how to change a tire if she were to ever get a flat.

Rodney – thanks for the question and that is a great one!
First of all, let me commend you for being so proactive in working with your daughter.
Let me give you some statistics about wrecks involving young, inexperienced drivers:

* In the U.S., the risk of a teen driver between the ages of 16-19 being involved in a car wreck is 4 times higher than that for older drivers.
* Out of every 100 teen drivers on the road:

* 28 will be involved in accidents.

* 4 will be ticketed for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and
* 1 will be killed in a car crash.

* “Teens, on their part, view driving as a right rather than a privilege. Overwhelmingly, study participants cited teen drivers’ inexperience as well as their feeling of invincibility and willingness to take risks as contributing factors in unsafe driving behaviors. Participants also noted that teen drivers are easily distracted and lack the skills and judgment necessary to recover from unexpected incidents. ”
* This same study concluded that parental involvement was the most important factor in teaching teens safe driving habits and behaviors.

There was a report that came out in September 2006 by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety that discussed the drivers’ education programs in schools. The report suggested that the education does not adequately make our students safer drivers. The way for us to lower the risks of teens being involved in crashes is to:

So getting back to Rodney’s question – I applaud you for being so actively involved in training your daughter to drive!

* ALWAYS call the police to come to the scene to complete an incident report. The investigating officer will help document the scene of the wreck, gather the facts, interview witnesses, and prepare a report. If you don’t do this, it could be your word against the other driver.
* Exchange information with every person involved in the wreck, including:


-License plate

* If you have a smart phone or camera, take pictures at the scene if possible.

* Don’t panic, but remain calm as best as possible. This is especially important if you or others at the scene are injured.

* Don’t accept blame for the wreck unless you have an opportunity to discuss the facts of the wreck with your attorney.

You really need to the extent and severity of your injuries before you ever consider settling your claim.

They dangle a quick offer in front of you and encourage you to settle.

You take the quick money and sign the release.

What can you do now?

And insurance companies are getting away with this tactic every day.

* Don’t Wait!
If you are hurt in a car wreck, call a lawyer right away!

If you have been hurt in a wreck and you don’t hire an attorney, you are letting the insurance company hang onto YOUR money. Plain and simple.

Please – you owe it to yourself to call a lawyer to discuss the facts of your specific claim.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a wreck, I encourage you to talk with a lawyer.

The consultation is FREE and completely confidential.

You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.

Georgia Car Wreck Attorney

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Do I Need a Lawyer – Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in Georgia

Filed under: Slip And Fall Injury Accident — Lawyer @ 9:18 pm

What must you prove in your car accident claim?

Welcome to “Do I Need A Lawyer?”

If you have a question you would like for me to answer, or if you would like to speak with me regarding a potential claim, please pick up the phone and give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.
Our staff of legal professionals are standing by right now to take your information.

Now let’s go to the next question from one of our viewers.

Jeff – thanks for the question though I’m sorry to hear about your wife’s injuries and the wreck.
There are many things we have to prove in these personal injury claims:
* Someone was negligent in causing the wreck (besides our client);
* This person’s negligence was the proximate cause of our client’s injuries;
* We have to prove the damages our client sustained in the wreck.

Do I Need a Law Firm – Nursing Home Abuse in Georgia

In this segment of the Do I Need a Lawyer, Gary Martin Hays answers a question from one of our viewers who fears their mom was being neglected at a nursing home.

Negligence: this essentially means who is at fault.
We have to prove that someone (besides yourself) was at fault for causing the wreck.
The injured party has the burden of proof in showing that the Defendant driver was negligent in causing the wreck.
For example:
When the defendant rear-ends your car because they did not maintain a safe following distance or they failed to keep a proper lookout of the road ahead, they were negligent.
When the defendant rear-ends your car because he did not get his brakes repaired, even though he knew they were not working properly, he is negligent.
Other examples could include:
Following too closely
Driver distractions due to using a cell phone or adjusting the radio

Driving under the influence of alcohol or some illegal drug
Failure to yield while turning left
Driver fatigue because they drove their tractor trailer more than Federal law allows
Proximate Cause:
Once we prove the other driver was negligent, then we must show that this negligence was the proximate cause of your injuries.
Here is an example:
You are at a complete stop at a red light. The Defendant is not paying attention to the road ahead and crashes into the rear of your car. Your head hits the steering wheel causing a huge cut on your chin and you chip a couple of your teeth. The Defendant’s negligence was the proximate cause of the wreck and your injuries.
You have a green light allowing you to proceed straight through the intersection. The Defendant is traveling in the opposite direction.
He does not see you and he attempts to turn left in front of your car and crashes into your vehicle. You sustain a broken arm and leg in the crash. His failure to yield while turning left is the proximate cause of the collision and your injuries.
(3) Damages:
When we prove that the Defendant was negligent and his negligence was the proximate cause of the wreck, we must now prove what damages were inflicted upon you.
Damages could include compensation for:
Medical bills, including:

-emergency room physician


Lost wages:
Typically, if someone misses a week of work due to a car wreck, it can be proven with a couple of check stubs showing the time missed from work, a doctor’s disability slip, and a wage verification form signed by the employer.
Lost wages can be very problematic, however, if someone misses time from work but is paid “under the table” and there is no record on the books. It gets even messier when there is no mention of this work on the tax returns.
Transportation costs
You would not have to be driving around from doctor’s appointments to physical therapy to the pharmacy to get your prescriptions filled if the Defendant had not caused the wreck.
This is clearly money that is coming out of your pocket that you would not have lost if the car wreck never happened.
You should be compensated for this loss.
Gas is expensive.
Parking in some of the private lots can also add up.
Keep track of your round trip mileage to these appointments and save those parking receipts!
FUTURE medical expenses
No one has a crystal ball to tell you everything the future is going to hold for you medically. However, doctors can sometimes tell us to a reasonable degree of medical certainty what they anticipate you will incur should you eventually need a surgery or have to undergo some additional tests.
The key component to making a claim for these future medical expenses is to get a doctor’s narrative addressing the medical needs, why they are necessary, how they were caused by the wreck, and the costs of the procedure(s).
FUTURE lost wages:

Punitive damages:

Sometimes the defendant’s conduct in causing the wreck or his actions immediately after the wreck are so egregious that the law allows us to seek additional damages known as punitive damages.

For example, punitive damages can be sought in wrecks where:
– The Defendant causes a wreck and attempts to flee or does flee the scene of the collision.

There is a legal presumption under Georgia law that a person is driving under the influence if their blood alcohol level is above .08.

General damages are hard to quantify for everyone and are highly subjective, so the law instructs the judge or jury to assign these damages on an individual basis.
The amount of the damage for pain and suffering is based upon the enlightened conscience of fair and impartial jurors that apply the facts and law to that specific claim.
There is an old saying that “[T]he easiest pain to bear is someone else’s.”
There is a lot of truth to that statement.
It is a challenge to get a jury to understand the degree of pain and suffering someone experiences because of a wreck.

Now – if you have questions about a potential claim, please give us a call.
If not us, please call someone – but call an attorney that specializes in personal injury law.

If you would like to speak with my law firm about your claim, we make it easy for you.
Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.
Our intake specialists are standing by right now to speak with you.
The consultation is FREE and completely confidential.
It is loaded with information about personal injury claims and you can learn a lot more about me and my law firm.

You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.
So give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.
And stay tuned for more of “Do I Need A Lawyer”
We’ll be right back.

Nursing Home Injury Law

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October 7, 2014

Workers’ Compensation – Employee V. Independent Contractor – Georgia Lawyers

Filed under: Cardura — Lawyer @ 6:31 pm

SEGMENT: Tractor Trailer Wrecks
You are watching “Do I Need A Lawyer?” and I thank you for joining us.

Workers’ Compensation – Employee V. Independent Contractor – Atlanta Attorneys

My dad was driving on the interstate and a guy driving a tractor trailer hit the rear of my dad’s car. It spun his car around and he crashed into the median.


And I’ll talk about car wrecks involving tractor trailers in just a moment.
But let me start off by saying the men and women that are out there driving tractor trailers are extremely important to our economy.
Most are very conscientious professionals.
They are careful about how they drive their rigs.
And they make sure that the tractors they are operating and the trailers they are pulling are in the safest condition.

Some people refer to Tractor Trailers as “40 Tons of Death on Wheels.” And for good reason . . .
As large as these trucks are, even a relatively low impact collision can often lead to serious injuries or even death.
A typical, fully loaded large commercial truck can weigh over 80,000 pounds while an average passenger automobile weighs approximately 3,000 pounds.
So getting back to your question:
Will you dad be able to take on the tractor trailer company, the insurance company, and their lawyers by himself – especially when he is trying to recuperate from his injuries?

If you don’t act quickly, the evidence against the truck driver or the trucking company could be lost.

This log reflects when they start their day, all stops along the way, and certifies that they have inspected their vehicles.
These logs can also be used as evidence that the driver was speeding between his last stop and where the wreck occurred, or that he suffered from driver fatigue because of the number of hours he spent on the road.
And how long are truck driver’s required to keep their driver’s logs?

Keep in mind: in order to drive these big trucks, the drivers must have a commercial driver’s license.

They must continue to supervise the drivers too to make sure they are not operating their rigs in an unsafe manner.
Now I am a big advocate of defensive driving, so let me give you some tips to try and prevent injuries on the highway and avoid these accidents altogether.
(1) Drive with caution around trucks on the road.

If you or a family member is involved in a tractor trailer wreck, the single most important piece of advice I can give you is this:
Call a lawyer. If not us, please call a lawyer that has experience handling tractor trailer claims. It is a BAD idea to try and take on the trucking company, their insurance company, and their lawyers by yourself.
If you or a loved one has been injured because of a distracted driver, Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.
Our legal professionals are standing by right now to speak with you.

You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.

Workers Compensation Lawyer

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